
About Us


Our Vision

God will make us “A Fountain of Grace”
through a genuine movement of the Holy Spirit,
by which people are saved, set free from bondage,
discover God’s love, understand who they are in Christ,
empowered to walk out the call of God on their lives;
a loving church, a praying church,
a worshiping church, a witnessing church,
a discipling church, a reproducing church, and a sending church.


Our Mission Objectives

To Be:

A Loving Church: Receiving each member with God's unconditional love without compromise.

A Praying Church: Prayer is the central focus of our body life.  Every member is encouraged to participate in a community of prayer activity in the body

A Sending Church: Our heart is to be deeply involved in the great commission.  We endeavor to provide opportunities for short and long term missions through training and giving.

A Worshipping Church: Our Passion is to worship in the freedom of the Spirit and Truth as instructed in the Scriptures

A Witnessing Church: Witnessing is the means of imparting the Good News into our community and world.  It is a part of all that we say and do.  EVeryone is a witness.

A Discipling Church: We will provide opportunities for building up the believer in spiritual maturity, preparing them for service in the works of Christ.

A Reproducing Church: Reproduction is a vital sign of life.  We have a passion to be involved in planting new churches.

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文章來自:愛情出租酒店公關小姐辛酸甘苦談 http://www.fountainofgrace.us/about-us/

★☆誠徵 工讀-兼職-正職 想賺錢的女生 時薪900 ☆★

日薪4000~7000 (現領/日領) ((若有急需可先預支))

酒 店上班時間: 下午2點起~凌晨6點。時段 彈性// 暑假打工短期 // 兼職 長期正職 //



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